GEMAS Wall Nozzles

Made of polyester and the surface finish is made with various aging paints. Standart trims are antique copper, antique brass, antique silver and oxide. Special implemetations can be made according to special demands.

descripción código de almacenamiento precio
Small Lionhead, Antique Copper 1122411 Regístrese para ver el precio
Large Lionhead, Antique Copper 1122421 Regístrese para ver el precio
Plain Bowl Waterfall, Antique Copper 1122431 Regístrese para ver el precio
Slotted Bowl Waterfall, Antique Copper 1122241 Regístrese para ver el precio
Snail, Antique Copper 1122251 Regístrese para ver el precio
Antique Badge, Antique Copper 1122261 Regístrese para ver el precio

User and Installation Guide

Technical Data Sheet / Brochure

Certificates of Quality