Solar Clear, Copper + Zinc Alloyed Ionization System

Solar Clear, Copper + Zinc Alloyed Ionization System

GWorks with solar battery. Max pool volume120 m3. Decreases the chlorine or equivalent oxidation disinfection requirement aproximately %80. It can be used with UV and/or Dechloramin for Chlorine-Free applications in residential pools. It should not be used in liner/membrane pools due to Coppers dispersing agent impact on synthetic materials. It’s not obliged to use flocculant or algecide, because Copper having positive effect on algea and flocculation. On the high degrees of water hardness, the product will act as a softening agent as it collects lime on its anode. But the anode must be cleaned periodically with wire brush inside the package. Complete with wire brush and strip copper test device. Ideal copper concentration is 0,5 ppm. Permanently use necessary on above 70 m3 pool but it can be used halftime on smaller pools. Min. Copper concentration must be 0,3 ppm. Electrode lifetime can be change by use aproximately 12 to 24 months.

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